
The Labour History Project is a joint project of the B.C. Labour Heritage Centre, the B.C. Social Studies Teachers’ Association and the B.C. Teachers’ Federation. We are committed to providing teaching materials on B.C.’s labour history.

We are in the process of translating the majority of these lesson plans into French.

La plupart de ces plans de cours sont en cours de traduction en français.

Download PDF summary of all lesson plans







Lessons based upon Knowledge Network series Working People: A History of Labour in British Columbia

The Labour Movement in British Columbia 1840-1914 | Le mouvement travailliste is an introduction to the Working People series.

Clicking on an image below will direct you to the video page, where there is a further link to  corresponding lesson plans.

New Lesson Plans

SJ 12 – Labour Studies Unit Lesson Plans

Clicking on an image will direct you to the corresponding lesson plan on TeachBC, a website of teaching resources from the BC Teachers’ Federation.

Workplace Health & Safety Lesson Plans

Legacy Lesson Plans